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Movement and Breathwork Meditations.

Writer: StuartStuart


I have just returned from teaching on the most stunning of retreats with the loveliest of people, and working with the most inspirational and transformative of teachers -Robyn Silverton

I have created a catelogue below of various movement and breathwork meditations for those who attended the retreat. They are also a great resource for those people doing my classes either on zoom , or from youtube recordings.

I have done a short video of the movements so you can get to grips with what body part is supposed to be where, and then an audio file for the movement meditation itself.

On average the movement meditations are around 10 mins long. You might want to do one for a week, then move onto the next one the following week. Or one a day as there are seven in total.

Don't forget to post in the comments below, any questions you may have and/or how you get on. Also please do forward onto anyone you feel may benefit from the practice... You can download each file by clicking on the three dots in the bottom right hand corner of the audio file

Spinal Roll- Week/Day One

Spinal Roll Meditation - Audio file

Quarter Roll - Week/Day Two

Quarter Roll -Audio file

Core rolling - Week/Day Three

Core Rolling Audio File

Heart Space and shoulder connection -Week/Day Four

Heart Space and Shoulder connection - Audio file

Chest, head neck and throat - Week/Day Five

Chest, head , neck and throat - Audio file

Spinal Roll with Fascial Release - Week/Day Six

Spinal Fascial Roll audio File

Power stride - energy rising - no need for audio file - Week/Day Seven

Dont forget to forward on! Sending love

Stuart xxx


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