Better Balance , walking and running!
When we consider walking and running, we realise that they inherently involve weight-bearing and balancing on one leg, stride after stride. It's a natural process that occurs automatically without much conscious thought. The way we perform these activities is neither right nor wrong, good nor bad. However, by gaining understanding and insight into learning new skills, we can enhance our balance, as well as our walking and running abilities.
The Conscious Competence Learning Model can be a valuable framework for improving balance through developing awareness. This model consists of four stages: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence. Let's explore how each stage can be applied to enhance balance and develop awareness:
Unconscious Incompetence: In this initial stage, you may not be aware of the importance of balance or the areas where you lack it. You may take your balance for granted or assume that it is not significant for your overall well-being. The key here is to recognize the need for improvement and the potential benefits of enhancing your balance.
Conscious Incompetence: In this stage, you become aware of your lack of balance and acknowledge that it is an area that requires attention. You may realize that certain activities, such as standing on one leg or maintaining stability on an uneven surface, pose a challenge. By embracing this awareness, you open yourself up to learning and growth.
Conscious Competence: This stage involves actively working on improving your balance and developing awareness through focused practice and attention. You begin to understand the techniques, exercises, and mindfulness practices that can enhance your balance. This could include exercises like yoga poses, tai chi movements, or specific training drills that target stability and proprioception. By consciously practicing these techniques, you start to see progress and experience a greater sense of control and stability.
Unconscious Competence: As you continue to practice and develop your balance, you eventually reach a stage where it becomes second nature. Your improved balance and heightened awareness become integrated into your daily life without conscious effort. You can maintain stability, adapt to different environments, and respond to changes intuitively. At this stage, your enhanced balance becomes a natural part of who you are.
To enhance your balance and develop awareness effectively using the Conscious Competence Learning Model, it is important to commit to consistent practice. By progressing through these stages, you can experience significant improvements in your balance, walking, running and overall well-being.
Part Two Youtube Video