As we age, it becomes essential to adapt our exercise routine to meet the changing needs of our bodies. Ageing is associated with various physiological changes, such as reduced muscle mass, joint stiffness, and a decrease in flexibility. To support overall health and well-being, incorporating exercise that stimulate the rest and relaxation response is crucial.
Yin yoga is a gentle and meditative style of yoga that involves holding passive stretches for an extended period, typically between 3 to 5 minutes or more. The practice has traditionally focused on accessing deeper connective tissues, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia, rather than simply targeting the muscles like other dynamic yoga styles. However, I would suggest that when combined with breathwork the Yin postures practised in the Age Well classes bring about a profound influence on resetting the nervous system.
We spend a lot of time ‘Doing’. Yin yoga postures provide a wonderful opportunity to spend some time just ‘Being’. Afterall, we are humanbeings and not humandoings.
With respect to ageing some studies suggest that Yin yoga can offer various benefits that are particularly helpful for older individuals. Here are some of the findings:
Improved Flexibility: A study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in 2016 found that a 12-week Yin yoga intervention led to significant improvements in hamstring flexibility and lower back flexibility in healthy adults. Increased flexibility can be particularly beneficial for older individuals, as it helps maintain joint mobility and reduces the risk of injuries.
Joint Health and Mobility: A review article published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine in 2019 highlighted that Yin yoga can improve joint mobility and function. The gentle traction applied to the joints during Yin yoga postures may help maintain joint health and flexibility, which can be valuable as we age.
Stress Reduction: The meditative and relaxing nature of Yin yoga can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. A 2019 systematic review published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine indicated that Yin yoga interventions were associated with reduced stress and anxiety levels in diverse populations.
Bone Health: Some Yin yoga postures involve gentle compression on bones, which may stimulate bone density maintenance and support bone health. While there is limited direct evidence on this aspect, the gentle pressure on bones during Yin yoga may contribute to overall bone health.
Mindfulness and Mental Well-Being: Yin yoga emphasizes mindfulness and present-moment awareness. A 2020 study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that a 12-week Yin yoga intervention led to improvements in mindfulness and mental well-being in older adults.
Energy Balance: Yin yoga is based on the concept of balancing energy flow (Qi or Prana) in the body through meridians or energy channels.
As research continues to evolve, further studies may provide a deeper understanding of how Yin yoga can aid the ageing process and contribute to the overall well-being of older individuals. In the meantime, once you have experienced the Yin posture work you will no doubt become a convert. Many look forward to this part of the class the most!
Less is the new more!!
Take a look and give this Yin Posture a go!